Everything but the Chip

With Everything but the Chip we are your competent partner for one source supply.

Helping to separate hard brittle substrates, silicon wafers, glass, ruby, ceramics is our speciality. We provide experience and short term deliveries. Our matching product range are Wafer Saws, Wafer Mounters, UV Developers, Expanders, Dicing Wheels and Diamond Blades, Dicing Tapes, Grip Rings, Wafer Frames and -Magazines, Flanges and other specialities to help optimizing your process.

Dicing Saw 8030Series

ADT 8030 – Dicing System

Fully Automatic 12″ Twin Dicing System.

UV curing System with LED source

UV curing system

Novel UV curing system based on a LED light source

Process water purification system for stop waisting precious waterresources. Circulation allows the use of water additives for longer balde life less chipping cleaner machines.

Ultrafiltration System mtt4015/4018

Designed to provide ultra clean water, temperature controlled, improved with water based additives, significant for cost reduction.